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Does feelings matter when you intimate with someone

What is feelings? I really didn't know what is it. But when I understood the feelings towards someone it's actually happened. No matter how good he or she is but when feelings doest match u can't explore your lovable personality.

Whenever you like someone either you like that person at the same time or you like after some time.or maybe you never like it. 

For eg: When we go shopping without any plans and we don't know what to take and what not, then we suddenly see something and like that particular thing.  But at that time we do not think about quality. But on the other hand when we go shopping for planning what to buy and what not, we often do not get that thing.  Sometimes even after struggling, we get that thing but we dont get that quality what we want.  That's why we often get confused about what is good or what is bad.

What should we do when we confused between right or wrong things:

Just like this, the same thing happens with our life. That is why often we are confused between right or wrong person.  In such a situation, we must first try to know what we think our mind does to do.  In these conditions, the most we should listen to our soul.

We are not able to understand someone's feelings better unless they give time.  because some things and some people take time to understand.  It is very important to know what feelings are there for you in someone's heart.

How to understand someone feelings:

I know it is difficult to understand someone's feelings but it is not impossible.  If you want to understand the feelings of the person you like, then you should take a step towards it.  If you are right there with one of your steps, then you are going right and if that person moves back with your increasing step then you should stop the there. 

When you like someone, you do all those shitt everything  you don't want to do in order to become their choice. but you do it only for his or her pleasure, only for that you can become the choice of that person, although nothing like this happened after your million tries.  Make him happy but unless you can understand his or her feelings.  All these efforts will prove to be useless for you and will be your loss, so it is important to try to understand the feelings.

Why people get separated with their partner:

On today's time, no one has time, no one wants to wait for someone, just took what they liked.  But is it enough to just take, we do not talk, we do not want to understand, so often people get bored with each other or it can be said that they are separated from each other by being upset and then looking for a new choice. This sequence of life would have been with that person.

What connection between magic and feelings:

Life is like a magic but only when you feel it.  When you feel someone it feels like magic.  So, there is something between magic and feeling to connects to each other and that feelings we will looking in our life. Because emotions express yourself. 

Is your body moves express your feelings: 

Your hands, your feet, your lips, your hairstyle, your every move tells how you feel for someone.  But it is a matter of regret that we are fulfilling our need only by killing our own feelings somewhere so that we are going to lose ourselves.

When we kissed why we closed our eyes:

There is a saying that the eyes tell everything, but if no one sees in the eyes, where will the feelings come from?  It often happens that whenever we kiss someone, our eyes are closed and it's not natural it happened because there is something hide. 

But when open your eyes while kissing both partner express their feelings and communicate without speaking and this feeling is amazing. If you never tried this stuff you should to be tried to communicate with your partner without speaking and also have experience to feel magic.


Unknown said…
That's interesting.
Neer Kasim said…
Ya understand I will try
Neer Kasim said…
Ya understand I will try

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